Conflict management is one of the classic areas of corporate management that has garnered a lot of attention. It has long been acknowledged as an important component of a successful company. As a result, organizations/corporations operate within a system of standards, roles, procedures, norms, work schedules, positions, and structure that are articulated as adequate to achieve targeted goals, and individuals within the organization are expected to work in harmony with these corporate provisions in order to meet their objectives (Jack, 2009).
However, it's crucial to remember that the company is made up of a diverse group of people that have vastly varied personalities, perspectives, and goals. Because people see things in various ways and assign different meanings to things, these fundamental variances in human nature can lead to conflict.
It is reasonable to claim, however, that crisis and conflict are unavoidable in any organization. Conflict is a phenomena that cannot be simply overlooked or thrown under the rug since it affects every part of human endeavor, including church, business, life, community life, family life, and even the countries themselves. In most businesses, a close examination of the relationship between workers and management reveals a significant disparity in their claims to the company (Chuks, 2019).
As a result, conflict is an inherent element of public businesses that is frequently caused, in part, by organizational rules and can lead to "full-blown conflict." Conflict can arise between employees and the organization's management or among workers. 'Conflict is a feature of the unequal nature of organizational life, hence, conflict is considered as a natural aspect of class struggle,' wrote Karl Max in Dauneninghan (2007).
There are no day these days when the media does not report on a conflict. Religious, social, political, economic, or industrial conflict are all possibilities. Conflict is a significant danger to any country's socioeconomic progress and political stability, necessitating suitable procedures and structures to manage it when it occurs. The perception and measurement of an organization's reactions during a contentious era has a significant detrimental or positive impact on its credibility and reputation (Jude, 2000).
Essentially, conflict should not be viewed as intrinsically good or evil; rather, what counts is people' ability to handle differences as they emerge and create a more harmonic and seamless working relationship between disputing/conflicting parties.
To this aim, the necessity for the public sector to be well-versed in skills, methods, and measures for successful conflict management arose from the socio-economic relevance of the Iba Local Council Growth Area to the overall development of the country.
Conflict is unavoidable in any business, since it is linked to undesirable characteristics and events that lead to inefficiency, ineffectiveness, or dysfunctional outcomes (Jude, 2000).
Conflicts are seen as disruptive and unnatural, and as a type of deviant behavior that has to be managed and altered. Extreme occurrences of conflict in businesses can have disastrous repercussions for certain employees and have negative ramifications for the company's success (Chuks, 2019).
As a result, the goal of this study is to discover answers to the following research questions, which will guide the study's logical sequence:
The research is aimed at proffering modalities and solutions for the improvement of management of conflict for conflict for effective organizational management in Iba Local Council Development Area. Following the above prevailing problems, the objective of this includes:
1. To examine those types of conflict that is mostly encountered in public sector.
2. To evaluate the possible courses of conflict in public sector.
3. To find out the effective managerial approach to conflict that can be adopted when the need arises.
4. To explain the principal outcome of conflict in public sector.
5. To examine the benefits of resolving conflicts.
The research question focuses on gathering information on conflict management on public sector and how it can be resolved.
The questions include:
A. Does conflict affect workers performance negatively?
B.How can efficient conflict management significantly enhance harmonious correlation among workers in public organizations?
C. Does resolving conflict significantly benefit public sector?
Having highlighted the problems and objective of the study, the following hypotheses were formulated for testing and analyzing.
Hypothesis One
H0: Conflict does not affect workers performance negatively.
Hi: Conflict affect workers performance negatively.
Hypothesis Two
Ho: Efficient conflict management does not significantly enhance harmonious correlation among workers in the public organizations.
Hi: Efficient conflict management significantly enhance harmonious correlation among workers in the public organizations.
Hypothesis Three
H0: Resolving conflict does not significantly benefit public sector.
Hi: Resolving conflict significantly benefit public sector.
This research work aims to achieve in significance inference based on Iba Local Council Development Area in which corporation can only be achieved when individuals in the organization function as in harmony. It is therefore generally expected that a healthy organizational climate would be reflected by complete harmony in working relationship, loyalty and mutual commitment to the goals and objectives of the establishment.
This is however, a worthwhile and creditable venture. This research will reveal to the managers/directors on to become aware of the possible causes of conflict in public sector or corporations and how to adequately avoid their occurrence. It will also open grounds for other researchers who might be interested in the area of this study and also serve as a point of reference.
The study shall be conducted at Iba Local Council Development Area, Iba Town Lagos.
This study shall cover the concept of public sector, its origin and functions. The concept of public conflict, its principal causes in public sector, effective managerial approach to conflict and the benefits of solving conflicts.
In the attempt of carrying out this study, the problem of time limitation may pose its ugly print because the period of three months required for the study is inadequate for a research of this nature especially as to combine it with other academic activities. Financial constraint is another problem that is confronting this research activity. The economic problems of the time may affect my financial input to the study as am not financial viable.
Meanwhile, bias may have set in, as the researcher may have been biased unknowingly during the interview process or during the development of the research; the respondents also may have being biased in responses due to other matters best known to them. And death of literature is another area of stress to the study. Materials for the study, particularly for the review of related literature is scare and difficult to get.
Inspite the above limitations, I shall successfully complete the work in good time and ensure there is non interference with the result of the study.
The following definitions shall apply in this work:
i. PUBLIC ENTERPRISE: This is a business organization established, owned, managed and financed with tax payers money by the government of a state with the main objective of not making profit but rendering essential services such as water, transportation, electricity e.t.c to its citizen.
ii. CONFLICT: This is any event that is, or expected to lead to an unstable and dangerous situation affecting an organization.
iii.CRISIS: This is a state of disharmony between incompatible of antithetical persons, ideas or interests.
iv MANAGEMENT: This is the act of getting men and materials together to accomplish desired goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively.
Prior to the creation of Lagos State, Iba fell under the jurisdiction of Awori distric, but by 1968 it fell under a reconstituted Awori Ajeromi district. By 1976 the creation of Badagry Local Government and Iba came under its wings. However the civilian administration created Ojo Local Government with Iba again falling under its jurisdiction. Later the military government merged Ojo into Badagry Local Government until Babangida’s administration returned to the status-quo.
It was Asiwaju Ahmed Tinubu who created Iba Local Council Development Administration and today the present administration of Akinwunmi Ambode has maintained the state of affairs.
The original inhabitants of Iba practice crop farming, poultry, sheep rearing, and small scale hunting. These were family occupations. As in ancient times, they practiced trade by barter unlike today where they practice commercial farming. Later a crop of artisans appeared on the scene, including tailors, bricklayers and mechanics. Record shows that there are 19 filling stations, 13 hotels, 46 companies, and 14 markets within the Iba jurisdiction.
Commerce and industry are really booming because of the effort of the present administration. New businesses are bound to spring up due to the conducive environment.
Before 1975, there was no motorable road in the town. The Lasu Isheri road was opened in 1983. Later the Iba main road was tarred and used to be the only tarred road in the town. The Lasu Isheri road served as the major entry to and exit from Iba. Commercial buses ply this route conveying passengers at Iyana Iba bus-stop, originating from Ojo or Iyana Ipaja amidst many other places.
Today, the Lasu Isheri road has been dualised giving room for more traffic. There is also an ongoing road construction project at Igbo Elerin and Iba New Site, gradually the town is being expose to the world following increased commercial activities under the present administration.
Today, there is a primary health centre in the Iba Local Council Secretariat. Besides, there are also six private hospitals in the area. The state government has no health facility in Iba, but there has always been a general hospital in Badagry and the newly constructed general hospital in Igando.
Over the years, the town which lies above sea level has become flooded due to environmental health department of the Hon. Toyin Suarau led administration has lived up to task in checking this ugly trend. Apart from the P.S.P trucks dispatched by the state government, members of the department in the LCDA embark on regular environmental sanitation by clearing blocked drainages, dumpters, canals and waterways.
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